Lemon Cocktail Mix
Recipe number:
Packed 12/34 oz. packages per case
Yield 1 Gal. per pkg. for Lemon sweet & sour
Egg whites have been added to create a frothy head for eye appeal
Consistency & quality will give your customers more repeat sales on their drinks
Recognized as the finest cocktail mix on the market
5 Gallons of Rocks Margarita
2 - 34 oz. Package Lasco Lime Cocktail Mix
1 - 34 oz. Package Lasco Lemon Cocktail Mix
2 - 1.75 liters Tequilla
1 - Liter bottle Lasco Triple Sec
24 oz. Lasco Lime Juice
Add enough water to yield 5 gallons, mix well
Serve over ice
Frozen Margarita
1 - 34 oz. Package Lasco Lime Cocktail Mix
1 - 34 oz. Package Lasco Lemon Cocktail Mix
2 - 1.75 Liter Tequila
½ - Liter Lasco Triple Sec Flavor
16 oz Lasco Lime Juice
Add enough water to make 5 gallons, Mix well
Pour into cocktail machine